Get ready for Halloween! Work with wire and sturdy crepe paper in a multitude of colors to make a paper flower crown. In this workshop you will learn to make simple versions of four types of flowers (roses, godetia, bougainvillea and poppies), and use them to adorn your crown. Crepe paper colors will be provided for everything from bright, Frida Kahlo-esque flowers to dark, creepy crown designs, and anything in between. You will also learn some tips on how to make your paper flowers appear dead/desiccated. Black feathers and netting, and various ribbons and pompom trims will be provided to add to your crown. If you've got anything else you'd like to bring with you (think cicada wings or plastic bugs), please do!
Light snacks and beverages will be provided.
Handcraft Studio School (Emeryville)
Saturday, October 17, 2015
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.